Love Never Dies
Photo: Rebecca Pollack
Love never dies — it only changes form. I’ve given public hugs. In Santa Monica with my son. In Santiago, Spain to pilgrims finishing the Camino. But while spending the holiday season in London in 2019, a phrase came to me one morning — “Someone You Lost Wants to Hug You Through Me.”
The holidays can be a hard time, especially if you’re grieving. Jamie Anderson said, “Grief is just love with nowhere to go.” The day I planned to take my sign and go over to Carnaby Street arrived. When I woke up I found out Ram Dass had died which only made my plan seem more perfect. I had learned so much about love through his life and teachings.
As I reflect back on this day in December, 2019, and especially after the era of “social distancing”, I’m moved by the intimacy I experienced by hugging and holding numerous strangers. The suspicion. The hesitation. The unbelievable vulnerability. One assault. Many smiles. And some tears.
An act of presence, pure presence, is some sort of activism and art which I aspire to.